Presentation & Meditation at Sattva Yoga Spa

Saturday, March 8th at 3:30 PM we have Bhante Sujatha, a Buddist monk from Woodstock, coming to our studio to give a presentation on Loving-Kindess.
“Inside us is a great power to heal. It is always trying to do its job. We only have to get ourselves out of the way to let it work.”
Connect to your natural healing power with the gentle guidance of Bhante Sujatha in this two-hour workshop and guided meditation.
For more than 25 years Bhante Sujatha has been sharing the message of Loving-Kindness and the practical application of meditation experience with people all over the world. Profound in its simplicity, the message and teachings in this workshop have been life-changing for many of its participants, regardless of religious background. The teaching is centered around the cultivation of self-love. Without a nurtured ability to practice healthy self-love, we cannot be fully present to love anyone or anything else.
Activities in this program will include:
– Lecture: “What Is Loving-Kindness?”
– Instruction in the practice of Loving-Kindness.
– A blessing of healing energy with each individual.
– Guided mindfulness and loving-kindess meditation.
– Time for Questions & Answers.
Benefits of this beautiful workshop can include:
– Reduced stress, anxiety, worry, and depression.
– Healing and enhancing relationships with others.
– Gaining a sense of empowerment over challenging issues in life.
– Insights into life’s purpose.
– Awakening to the blessings of the present moment.
– Confidence in attaining unshakable inner peace.
About Bhante:
Bhante Sujatha, a 40+ year Buddhist Monk, is singularly focused on adding more love in the world. Bhante teaches loving-kindness meditation to people around the globe for all those seeking the art of happiness and contentment. His approach to meditation is deep and simple, bringing core Buddhist teachings to everyone in a way that is practical and easy to understand. A joyful, radiant, funny, and wildly energetic monk, Bhante will help you obtain peace that can only be found in deep silence. Bhante believes his purpose is not only to teach meditation, but also “teaching people how to be happy.” For more information visit Bhante’s website,
Cost of the Event: $40 (a portion of the proceeds go back to Bhante to support his outreach programs)
Here is the link to register for the event:
As a way to prepare our community for Bhante Sujatha’s visit, our next Yoga Book Club will be covering the book Loving-Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness by Sharon Salzberg.
Here is the description for that program:
Yoga Book Club is an intentional community circle for reading, contemplation, personal reflection and open-hearted discussion.
We will be reading Loving-Kindess: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness by Sharon Salzberg for this Yoga Book Club Series as a means of preparing our hearts and minds for the arrival of Bhante Sujatha on March 8th..
This series meets on Wednesdays (February 12, 19, 26 & March 5) at 6:00 – 7:30 PM.
Participants will need to purchase their own copy of the book.
Instructions for reading the text will be emailed out upon registration.
Cost of the Series:
FREE for Sattva Yoga Spa Members
$60 for Non-Members
Here is the link to register for the series: